
How to find us

Exit the A22 motorway in Chiusa/Klausen and continue on the national Road SS1 in direction of Bolzano.

At the locality of Ponte Gardena/Waidbruck turn left and at the roundabout in direction Altipiano dello Schiliar/Schlerngebiet following the road until a few kilometers before the locality of Castelrotto/Kastelruth.

On your left hand side you find a road sign, pointing towards Tisana/Tagusa. Now turn left and cross the village of Tisana. You continue in direction of Tagusa. After a few kilometers you reach a small white sign with the indication "Appartements Geigerhof".

Follow the sign along a narrow private road for a distance of 1.4 km, until you reach the farm house.

The satellite image below gives an overview of the access road, starting form the motorway exit in Chiusa/Klausen.
